1. Save With Smart Lighting Solutions
One of the easiest ways to lower your commercial building’s energy levels is to make the most of sunlight. This process of allowing the sunlight to light up a space is called daylighting. Daylighting can reduce the energy demands, while also increasing the happiness of your employees. If you do not have enough windows in your commercial building to properly light up the space, you should consider switching to LED lights. Nearly half of a commercial building’s electrical energy consumption comes for its electric lighting. LED bulbs are a great option as they last much longer and are more durable than other types of bulbs. LED bulbs can also prevent heat build up, which means that they do not contribute much heat to your building.

2. Upgrade HVAC Equipment
Over half of the energy used in commercial buildings is used on heating and lighting. Upgrading your HVAC equipment with a more efficient model can reduce energy consumption, costs, and chlorofluorocarbons, which contain carbon, chloride, and fluorine vapours derived from methane, ethane, and propane. Before you replace your HVAC system, make sure to evaluate your current heating and cooling needs. This will ensure that you are receiving the maximum performance, energy reductions, and cost savings that you can get.
3. Computer Power Management
Power management can have a huge impact on energy savings because your employees often use their computers for upwards of eight hours a day. Consider equipping your employees with energy efficient laptops, as laptops use 90% less energy than desktop computers do. Energy efficient laptops use less energy and decrease your commercial building’s energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions. Energy efficient laptops can also decrease greenhouse gas emissions equal to the emissions from 2.7 million cars per year over the next five years. Energy efficient buildings and their plug loads need to be properly monitored and managed in order to follow through on their energy saving functions.
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