1. Bad Wiring and Electrical Appliances

Old or bad wiring (particularly from DIY jobs) increases the risk of electrical faults, fires, surges and other serious events. For this reason, avoid DIY electrical work an get a professional electrician in to do the job. Old cracked, corroded or worn wires increase the risk of an electrical accident. Have your appliances checked regularly to make sure they are safe. Testing and tagging electrical appliances on commercial premises is a legal requirement.
2. Outlets Near Water

Outlets in areas where there is water such as kitchens, bathrooms and laundries should be installed away from water sources.
3. Wet Hands

Using appliances with wet hands and switching power points on and off is a serious hazard for electrical shocks.
4. Electrical Fires

If a fire starts due to an electrical fault, water should never be poured on the fire to put it out. Instead, a fire extinguisher should be used to avoid electrocution. If you don’t have an extinguisher handy, turn off the main electrical supply, evacuate your home and call the fire brigade.
5. Curious Children

Children are inquisitive and like to explore the world. For this reason, electrical outlets at heights that children are able to reach should be covered with safety plugs to prevent serious injury or death.
6. Extension Leads

Avoid overusing extension cords with multiple lengths attached. This places a greater load on the power supply and increases the risk of electrical faults.
7. Light Globes

Ligh globes on or near different materials can be a fire hazard. Some light globes heat to such high temperatures that if they are either covered in fluff or other materials, may catch alight. While changing light globes, the switch should always be in the off position.
8. Covering Electrical Cords and Wires

Covering electrical leads and wires may lead to the overheating. Similarly, electrical appliances should not be covered when powered on and given room for ventilation.
Tamworth Electrician’s Top Tip’s!
- Don;t try and fix broken appliances or cords yourself.
- Either contact us to regularly check your appliances, or get into the habit of doing this yourself. For commercial businesses a licensed electrician is required to test and tag your appliances annually.
- Don’t overload powerboards.
- Don’t insert anything into appliances while in use.
- Never use indoor extension leads outdoors.
- Don’t touch electrical appliances or outlets with wet hands.
If in doubt, contact us to check it out!